Etching for Architecture
Etching has been in use since the 1400’s and is an intaglio printmaking process that employs a mordant to incise an image
or design into an unprotected and exposed metal surface. The incisions then becomes the vehicle for ink which is pressed
and transferred onto paper. The process is primarily analogue yet there are options and potential to incorporate digital
drawing techniques. In current times of push-button printing, etching is a surprisingly versatile, flexible and dynamic
medium. This course will teach students how to make and print etchings and other intaglio prints utilising traditional and
contemporary printing methods.
course aim
To develop an understanding of the fundamentals of printmaking and the basic history of intaglio.
To explore and become knowledgeable of the materials of etching and their safe and effective use.
To research and implement various intaglio techniques for the making of a suite of architectural images.
To analyse and identify techniques within prints and learn the process to curate and document editions.
20% Edition of an etching with state proofs
20% Edition of a multi-plate etching with state proofs
60% Portfolio of experimental and trial proofs, monoprints and additional editions.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Design and create a suite of etching plates through various traditional and experimental methods
2. Print consistent editions
3. Document and curate prints
4. Integrate printmaking techniques into larger practice of architectural representation
plate preparation / monotype / drypoint and other engraving techniques / ground and stop-out application / stage etching /
aquatint and spit bite / scraping and burnishing / inking techniques / paper handling / registration / plate wiping and printing /
editioning / curating and documentation.
• demonstrations / presentations
• studio workshops
• individual and group critiques
• field trips
recommended resources & readings:
Print consistant editions
John Ross, Clare Romano, Tim Ross, The Complete Printmaker Techniques, Traditions, Innovations
Donald Saff, Deli Sacilotto, Printmaking History and Process
Catherine Brooks, Magical Secrets about Line Etching & Engraving: The Step-by-Step Art of Incised Lines
Crown Point Press.
The Kennith Tyler Printmaking Collection, NGA.
MOMA collection database.
MET collection database.