We need an online
tool to share information but also allow the group to interact with one another
and upload the work they are doing for others to view.
- Trainer/in: Monique Bell
- Trainer/in: Gabriel Frederikse
- Trainer/in: Alexandria George
- Trainer/in: Leanne Kapoor
- Trainer/in: Arihia Komene
- Trainer/in: Clarissa Lal
- Trainer/in: Nancy Levuiloa
- Trainer/in: Katy Mann Benn
- Trainer/in: Ma'ata Mau
- Trainer/in: Te Ao Rangi McAlister-Karepa
- Trainer/in: Martino Michael
- Trainer/in: Chris Nansen
- Trainer/in: Luke Orbell
- Trainer/in: Tane Patterson
- Trainer/in: Lephi Peneha
- Trainer/in: Lina Seiuli
- Trainer/in: Rain Taylor