Welcome to our class Design Thinking for Business BSNS8001-S2-2023
This applied postgraduate course develops your skills and confidence to create value for organisations and their customers by applying design thinking to solve complex problems and design new solutions.
The relevant 'bodies of knowledge’ underpinning this course include innovation, creativity, design thinking, human-centred design, and product development.
The formal course outcome is ‘To enable students to apply design thinking to solve complex problems and design new solutions that create value for customers and their organisations’.
To complete this course successfully, you will demonstrate through two assignments that you can
- Evaluate the impact of design thinking on organisational performance.
- Apply the design thinking process to create meaningful change and competitive advantage.
- Analyse the effectiveness of human-centred design thinking in creating value for stakeholders.

- Gurò: Rowena Knight-Brown
- Gurò: Liz Rainsbury
- Gurò: Paul Shadbolt