Do you want to know more about how academic committees work at Unitec? What are they for? What do they do? What are they called?
This graphic shows the historical organizational structure of committees at Unitec.
The most important committee for new teaching staff to be aware of is the PAQC:
Programme Academic Quality Committees (PAQC)
All programmes are linked to a PAQC. PAQCs deliver operational oversight of Unitec's programmes. Course level quality matters are reported at PAQC. All course results are approved at PAQC. The video at the bottom of this page gives more of an insight into PAQCs.
The Academic Committee structure at Unitec ensures oversight. Te Komiti Matauranga is supported by a number of sub-committees, each with a clear membership and terms of reference outlining roles and responsibilities. The purpose of some of these committees is explained below.
Academic Approvals Committee/Te Komiti Whakamana Hotaka Hou (AAC)
endorses all proposals of new and changed programmes before they progress to Academic Committee for approval.
Quality Alignment Board/Te Poari Whai Kounga(QAB)
has responsibility for evaluating institutional quality, including all key academic processes such as CEPs and PEPs.
Ako Ahimura/Learning & Teaching Committee
provides advice and guidance to Academic Committee on matters relating to teaching and learning
Unitec Research Committee/Te Komiti Rangahau o Unitec (URC)
URC ensures research at Unitec is carried out in an appropriate manner.
Unitec Research Ethics Committee/Te Komiti Tikanga Matatika (UREC)
UREC considers applications for ethics approval.
Find out more here about how the PAQC works at Unitec to monitor and manage academic quality at programme level.