Balangkas ng seksiyon

    • Programmes included in this handbook:
      Master of Creative Practice (level 9, 180 credits)
      Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Practice (level 8, 120 credits)
      Postgraduate Certificate in Creative Practice (level 8, 60 credits)
      Master of Design by Project (level 9, 240 credits) (Expiring)



  • This Student Programme Handbook provides important general information regarding your programme. The links above will take you to information about your programme, your courses and your assessment. You will also find links to the regulations that govern your programme, your study plans, and the contact details for your teachers. Other links will take you to some of Unitec's services that are designed for you to help you succeed.

    Please use this resource, and keep coming back to it throughout the year.  The information on this page will be revised and added to, as the year progresses.

    Timetables can be accessed via the link above to the Student Portal.

    Please note:
    Unitec has taken reasonable care to ensure that the information on this page is accurate at the time of publication, however some information may be subject to change. Not all courses are offered every year and courses may not run if there are insufficient enrolments. 
    To the extent permitted by law, Unitec is not liable for, and makes no warranties or representations as to such accuracy and may change or correct any such information without prior notice.

    Activities: 0
  • Activities: 16