Academic Quality
Balangkas ng seksiyon
Kia ora - welcome to this introduction to academic quality at Unitec Te Pukenga
Mā te Rangatiratanga, Te Whakaritenga, Te Kaitiakitanga, Te Kotahitanga, me Te Ngākau Māhaki.
Ka tau i raro i te whakaaro kotahi, hei oranga mō tātou katoa. Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!
Te Korowai Kahurangi leads academic quality at Unitec Te Pukenga by partnering with you and your School. Te Korowai Kahurangi speaks of the cloak of quality that protects and guides, with excellence.
This Moodle site is a 'go-to' place for Unitec Te Pukenga teaching staff. It is a roadmap for Unitec's academic quality processes, designed as a one-stop shop for you - bookmark this page and come back to it regularly to check in with the requirements associated with your role. The academic quality information is divided into three main sections:
There is also a glossary of terms we frequently use at Unitec. If you click on any words which are in bold, the glossary definition will pop up or you can go direct to the glossary.
Some links will also take you to further information on Te Aka, the Nest, Unitec's staff intranet.____________________________________________________Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Barr Beacon te māunga
Ko Birmingham-Fazely te awa
Ko English te iwi
Nō Sutton Coldfield ahau
Ko Sue Crossan tōku ingoa
I work in Te Korowai Kahurangi and I have developed this academic quality Moodle course.
The values of Te Noho Kotahitanga are central to Unitec's culture and ways of doing things. Throughout this Moodle site there are examples of ways in which they are demonstrated.___________________________________________________