•   Teaching workload
    • In this section you will look at strategies to balance workload when teaching online and / or  blended courses.

    • Co-teaching as a strategy for balancing workload (Check Unitec Policy)

      1. Dividing students between teachers/facilitators
      2. Request a teaching assistant to participate in discussion and provide feedback

    • Use course design strategies to balance workload

      1. Plan ahead and predict workload
      2. Use orientation activities as as a way to reduce learners questions about the course structure and assignments and other concerns during the course.
      3. Plan course content on a text book and enrich with current real-world content & global issues
      4. Reduce readings - use groups and allocated readings, groups to feedback analysis to cohort
      5. Have clear guidelines for discussion forums - intentions, peer feedback and open/closure of discussion
      6. Enrich content with podcasts, video, audio, annotated ppts, guest speakers etc
      7. Reduce time for course design by using a template from your first design

    • Support strategies before and during course

      1. Technical support
      2. Academic learning support e.g. at Unitec, your TPA liaison can help design your Moodle to enhance student navigation, and retain similar structure to face2face classes
      3. student peer support

    • Time allocation strategies

      1. Know there will be a lot of up front work at the beginning of the course, as students become more independent the role changes from expert to guide.
      2. Consider a light teacher presence at the beginning of a week (in discussion boards) and a heavier presence  at the end of the week (wrapping up discussion)
      3. Set time limits on availability.  Set expectations early with when you will NOT be available.