Week 4a- Water

1. Water

1.3. Effects on Water

wawter dischargesActivities, processes or structures which may affect water include:

  • Roads / Transport (Pollution)
  • Developments (Hydrology)
  • Coastal infrastructure (Harbours)
  • Water infrastructure (Abstraction)
  • Agriculture / Farming (Nutrients
  • Power infrastructure (Damming)
  • Mining (Tailings- Acid)
  • Discharges (from all sources e.g. spills).

Land activties

Rainfall patterns and intensity can affect the water quality of our rivers and lakes.  Often very dry periods,which are succeeded by heavy rainfall, result in the deposition of contaminants such as hydrocarbons and heavy metals into these systems.

Activities on land which may affect groundwater are shown in the diagram below.  There are many other accidental spills, intentional leaks and industrial processes which add to the list, all of which are a threat to groundwater resources..