Week 4a- Water

1. Water

1.12. AEE

Waikato 2The AEE was split into the following subsections:

  • Positive effects;
  • Cultural effects;
  • Construction effects;
  • Abstraction and intake effects;
  • Discharge effects; and
  • Effects on recreation and navigation.
For this case study, we will concentrate on the fourth subsection, abstraction and intake effects.
Abstraction and intake effects

Actual and potential effects on the environment due to the abstraction of water at the proposed intake have been broken down into the following six areas:

  • The hydrological effects of reduced of flow in the Waikato River;
  • Changes in sediment movement within the river due to the presence of the intake structure and reduced flow in the river;
  • Effects on river temperature and dissolved oxygen due to reduced flow in the river;
  • Effects on instream freshwater ecology;
  • Effects on the location of the salt wedge as a result of the changed flow; and
  • Effects on other users of the Waikato River.