Week 12 - Materials

5. The Natural Step

5.1. Practical Solutions

massive recycledThe Natural Step provides a sound philosophy for the approach to green materials, however in practical terms, these materials may be difficult to identify, difficult to source and cost prohibitive.  An alternative approach may be to follow the guidelines provided by the Environmental Building News (EBN) which are divided into five categories as follows:

1. Products made from environmentally attractive materials

  • Salvaged products
  • Products with postconsumer recycled content (image hotel made with recycled bottles www.environmentteam.com)
  • Products with postindustrial recycled content
  • Certified wood products
  • Rapidly renewable products
  • Products made from agricultural waste material
  • Minimally processed products

2. Products that are green because of what is not there

  • products that reduce material use
  • Alternatives to ozone-depleting substances
  • Alternatives to products made from PVC and polycarbonate
  • Alternatives conventional preservative-treated wood
  • Alternatives to other components considered hazardous

3. Products that reduce environmental impacts during construction, renovation or demolition

  • Products that reduce the impacts of new construction
  • Products that reduce the impacts of renovation
  • Products that reduce the impacts of demolition

4. Products that reduce the environmental impacts of building operation

  • Building products that reduce heating and cooling loads
  • Equipment that conserves energy
  • Renewable energy and fuel cell equipment
  • Fixtures and equipment that conserve water
  • Products with exceptional durability or low maintenance requirements
  • Products that prevent pollution or reduce waste (try these - link)
  • Products that reduce or eliminate pesticide treatments

5. Products that contribute to a safe, healthy indoor environment

  • Products that do not release significant pollutants into the building
  • Products that block the introduction, development, or spread of indoor contaminants
  • Products that remove indoor pollutants
  • Products that warn occupants of health hazards in the building
  • Products that improve light quality