Course Information

Site: Unitec Online
Course: ENGGMG7109 - Resource and Environmental Management 2022
Book: Course Information
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Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024, 4:15 PM

1. Course Information

Welcome to Resource & Environmental Management

This course can be taken as part of the Environmental Stream for students on the Bach of Engineering Technology (Civil).or the NZDE


This one-semester course includes aspects of Environmental legislation (including the creation of an assessment of environmental effects (AEE) and an environmental Management Plan (EMP) and also sustainable design.

The expectation is that you will study outside of lesson time for as much time as you spend learning in class (75 hours teaching time). A proportion of your self-learning hours will be directed by your tutor in the form of homework exercises or background reading, which is essential for some of the more complicated topics.

There will be two large projects (which may be group and/or individual) which will be worth 20% of the course total each, plus two smaller homework tasks worth between 10% each. The final exam for this worth 40%

Course aim:

To develop an understanding of how civil engineering processes impact on the natural environment and to mitigate against their effects to achieve sustainability

Course content:

During your course, you will have the opportunity to explore and learn the following topics and skills:

  • Resource Management act
  • Urban Planning
  • Assessment of Environmental Effects
  • Environmental Management Plans
  • Sustainable Solutions for the built environment, including water and energy

1.1. Need Academic help ?

Although I am always here and happy to help you with any questions you may have.... you may also like to consider attending some of the free workshops arranged by the Student Success Team at the Library.  To book follow this link

Useful workshops for this course include:

•Analysing and answering assignment questions (AAAQ)
•APA referencing (APA)
•Report writing essentials (RWE)

Follow this link to see a PDF of the workshops available 

2. Timetable

This schedule is an indication of the likely order in which topics will be covered and is subject to change without notice if circumstances warrant. There are four topics included in this course:

  • Topic 1:Introduction
  • Topic 2:Sustainable Design
  • Topic 3: Assessment of Environmental Effects
  • Topic 4: Environmental Management Plans 
                                                    Course Calendar
Please note that times and classes may change depending on guest lecturer/field trip availability.


Tue (1-3pm)

Friday (8:30-10:30am)

Week 1


Introduction to Sustainable Design (GH)

Sustainable Materials – ONLINE

Week 2


Sustainable design – Energy (GH)

Guest - The EU Green Deal

Week 3


Sustainable Design- Water

Andrew Schunker

Field trip Mason Brothers  

Week 4


Sustainable Communities (GH) (Homework 1 hand-in)

Green Accreditation Schemes

 Sustainable communities - ONLINE

Week 5


Assignment Prep*

Waste Solutions 

Guess (Mark Robert Field Trip (Mason Brothers)

Week 6


Assignment 1 Presentations (TAB and GH)

Waste Solutions (TAB/GH) & guest (Mark Roberts)

Mid Semester Study Break 10th April to 23rdApril

Week 7


Introduction to Resource Management Act (TAB)

Assessment of Environmental Effects (TAB)

Week 8


Land and Water (TAB)

Site Visit – Kennedy Park


Week 9


Homework 2 Presentations (TAB)

Individual Class Visits*

Week 10


Site Visit – Auckland Zoo (TAB)

Flora and Fauna (TAB)


Week 11


Infrastructure, Traffic and EMPS (TAB)

Māori Worldview (TAB and SW)


Week 12


People & Social Impact Assessment (TAB)

Assignment Prep*

Week 13


Assignment 2 Presentations

(TAB and GH)


(GH and TAB)

*Students are not required to attend class on these days.


2.1. Course Notes

Your class student booklet is handed out at the beginning of the semester - however if you lose this document - you can follow this link to a PDF of this year's booklet.

All of the course notes can be accessed via the following link (PDF format) which also includes details of assessment.

2.2. How do I access my grades?

Student grades may be accessed in a variety of ways depending on the assignment type.

For presentations, a marking sheet will be returned to the student after moderation. Presentations will be marked by two members of ESRC and the average score will be recorded. The marking sheet will detail marks award as well as provide more specific feedback.  The tutor may also provide generalised feedback to the whole class at some stage during the semester.

For quizzes on moodle, grades will be available on moodle immediately after the quiz has been completed UNLESS there are essay questions which require tutors to mark separately. In this case, the tutor will notify the student when the mark is available.

For quizzes in class - feedback will take place immediately after the quiz

For written work - hand-in is normally via turnitin on moodle. Marks and feedback are available to the student once the assignment has been completed. Tutors will advise this date.

3. Useful links and info

The following links are websites that may be useful for this course:

1. Ministry for environment link to order the guide for a basic AEE (click the link to order a free copy) -

2. Morphum Environmental Ltd for case studies to support AEE (click on research and papers for case studies) - 

3. Waicare websites for stream health (general info which may help with the water section of the AEE) -

4. Civitas planning consultants guide to the resource consent process - Link to PDF

5. Puhoi to Warkworth Executive Summary - link to PDF

6. Construction Industry CEMP example - link to PDF

4. Useful (interesting) books

Jodidlo, P.(2013). 100 Contemporary Green Buildings.  Volume 1, Taschen, Cologne, Germany.

Lofrano, G. (2012). Green Technologies for wastewater treatment - energy recovery and emerging compounds removal. Springer, London.

Rogers, P.P., Jalal, K.F. & Boyd, J.A. (2008).  An introduction to sustainable development. Earthscan, New York.

Venhaus, H. (2012).  Designing the Sustainable SIte - Integrated design strategies for small-scale sites and residential landscapes. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New Jersey.