1. Flora & Fauna

1.5. Waterview Case Study

ERCAt the Waterview Tunnel Site, the assessment of effects for marine environment included consideration of the significance of impacts based upon the following:

  • Type of impact (adverse/beneficial);
  • Extent and magnitude of the impact;
  • Duration of the impact (permanent, long-term, short-term);
  • Sensitivity of the receptor / receiving environment;
  • Comparison with legal requirements, policies and standards and guidelines.

This included a comprehensive ERC which was based on ANZECC (2000) Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines (ISQG) and other international sediment quality guidelines. The ERC are intentionally conservative, but generally concentrations in the green range indicate a low risk to organisms, concentrations in the amber range indicate possible effects on organisms, and concentrations in the red range indicate probable impact on organisms and potentially ecological functioning (ARC, 2004). Monitoring including analysing for lead, zinc and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).