1. Flora & Fauna

1.1. Endemic & vulnerable species

New Zealand has 21 recognised endemic species which are:

Kiwi bird, lesser short-tailed bat, Hector’s dolphin, Kea, Hamilton’s frog, Yellow-eyed penguins, Chevron skint, Little blue penguins, NZ fur seal, Tuatara, Maui Dolphin, Tui, Bellbird, Wood pigeon, Morepork, NZ falcon, Hooker’s sealion, NZ fantail, Tomtit, NZ Robin & Stitchbird (Hihi)

Skint NZ

In addition, there are a number of vulnerable birds and mammal species struggling to cope in New Zealand's water, forests and rivers including (numbers in brackets represent no of individuals remaining):

  • New Zealand Fairy Tern (35)
  • Kakapo (124)
  • Chatham Island Taiko (135)
  • White Heron (120)
  • Black Stilt (150)
  • Greater short-tailed bat (??)
  • Maui’s Dolphin (55)
  • Bryde’s Whale (160)
  • Southern Elephant Seal (250)
  • New Zealand Sea Lion (12000)