3. Assignments

3.1. Project 1 - Sustainable design

There are two stages to this project for which both must be completed to achieve full marks.  The first stage involves data collection which includes a waste audit and regular monitoring of water and energy usage and transportation mileage.  There is also a comprehensive environmental assessment of your current accommodation.   The second stage involves a proposed upgrade of your current property to a more sustainable home.

Stage 1

For the duration of this course, you will be required to carry out an audit of the energy, water and waste at your house.  For the waste audit, you will be provided with a number of containers in which to separate and weigh your waste  In addition, you will need to produce an audit of your transportation.

 Energy Audit

  1. Do you have any alternative energy (Inc Solar, microhydro etc.)? If so determine how much energy is produced via these processes.
  2. Using a spreadsheet format, collect weekly electrical energy usage data for your accommodation.
  3. If you use any solid fuel, record your daily usage (approximate mass).
  4. If you have gas on your property, make a record of your annual consumption

 Water Audit

  1. Do you have any water harvesting or water recycling at your property? If so determine how much water is produced via these processes.
  2. Using a spreadsheet format, collect weekly water usage data for your accommodation.

Waste Audit

  1. Using a set of bins, separate your waste into plastic recyclables, glass, metal, paper and card waste, non-recyclable waste and food waste. 
  2. Make a note of the weekly mass of each of the waste.
  3. Using a spreadsheet, create a waste audit for your property.

Transport Audit

  1. To produce a better assessment of your green footprint, keep a daily log of your journeys.  Note the type of transportation and distance you travel each time and also note whether you are travelling singularly or as a group.
  2. If you travel by car, try to estimate the fuel economy of this transportation.

This information will be used to complete your second project (which is worth 20% of the marks for this course).  For this reason it is extremely important that you carry out this task diligently and thoroughly.