Welcome to ARCH 8121

Welcome to ARCH 8121

ni Cesar Wagner -
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Kia ora whanau, a very warm welcome to ARCH 8121,

As you may know, during the first quarter the studio will be online.

We will have our first meeting on Tuesday the 8th, at 1pm. A Zoom link will be available via Moodle.

This semester we will be offering 3 studio projects:

Project A: Regenerating Avondale Town Centre

Project B: Te Papa North

Project C: Re-imaging Milan’s Canals

Tomorrow, Friday at 10am, the 3 briefs will be available on our Moodle site.

Please consider (wisely) your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice and email me your choices (first come, first served). Chances are, there won't be enough spots for all the first picks, so be prepared to accept your second or third pick. C’est la vie. However, they are all good and exciting projects.

Please complete your selection before 5pm on Friday.

Email: cwagner@unitec.ac.nz

You will be informed of the result on Monday.

Looking forward to hearing from you and to seeing you on Tuesday.

Ngā mihi,

Cesar and Studio Team