Talk with Whaea Tanya White about Pā Harakeke

Talk with Whaea Tanya White about Pā Harakeke

von Jo Clarke -
Anzahl Antworten: 1

Kia ora koutou,

Just a notice. Whaea Tanya will be joining us for our class tomorrow morning and taking us on a hikoi for the Pā Harakeke. Please prepare any patai or bring something to share. We will meet in our studio room and leave from there. 

Ngā mihi


Als Antwort auf Jo Clarke

Re: Talk with Whaea Tanya White about Pā Harakeke

von Jo Clarke -
Kia ora Koutou.

Arohamai I'm travelling up from Waikato this morning. Could you carry on with Karakia, and prepare your pepeha and any patai for Whaea Tanya and Whaea Lynda before I arrive.

Class to intro themselves using their pepeha
Hikoi of Pā Harakeke with Whaea Tanya. Class to patai as we walk.
Whaea Tanya to talk about opportunities for students to volunteer as kaiawhina for our Puna and Pā Harakeke, working bees, maintenance, etc.
Meet whaea Lynda at our Marae Atea a little after 9.30am to talk through põwhiri process.
Break - 10am/10.15am

Mauri ora