site photos and video + Monday's class

site photos and video + Monday's class

par Heather Wilkins,
Nombre de réponses : 0

kia ora koutou,

If you have site photos or video content form our site visit on Wednesday can you please send to me either as attachment to email or through a sharedrive link. 

I'll then upload it to Moodle so that those who've had to isolate can keep up with what we're doing.

For Monday's class, please remember your base aerial,  butter paper and drawing materials. We'll also do an online site analysis exercise for anyone having to work remotely, and I'll show some example of site analysis diagrams from practice.

In the meantime, keep going with any desktop research about the site and wider context, and start collating under broader themes or topics e.g. heritage, ecology, geology, cultural etc. Start creating diagrams about elements that are pertinent to the site, and remember to look wider outside the site boundaries to how this site fits into the regional context as well as the local and immediate context. 

Look for patterns or flows of movement. Everything is connected to a bigger system, so ask yourself what part does this site play in that network?

If you'd like to get ahead and want additional direction on site analysis , there's a handy checklist from BRANZ of some elements to map. Skip to the 'What to Look for' section on page 3 if you need some prompts.  We'll also go over this on Monday:

Ngā mihi,
