Assignment 1 zoom link and notes from today

Assignment 1 zoom link and notes from today

deur Heather Wilkins -
Getal antwoorde: 0

hi class

Thanks for a great session today. You're all doing really well and heading in the right direction. 

The link to the Zoom recording is here if you missed it: link to Zoom 

Thanks to Ollie for setting up a class shared drive, if you can all please upload your site photos and video to share since access is limited. Shared drive link 

If you're feeling stuck or too engrossed in the digital,  then using layers of butter paper to draw and map different types of site features can be liberating. Try using layers of butter paper over the site plan to locate and represent all of your observations, using a different sheet for topography, vegetation, services, transport, contours, hydrology etc. Once they are all layered up together, you'll start to see where different elements clash or harmonise, which could then be represented as  an opportunities and constraints diagram at the end of your analysis. This diagram essentially is identifying the key areas of most potential for your design to evolve from and give direction to further exploration for the next design stages. 

kind regards
