Good news - I'm out of self isolation so we'll be presenting Assessment 1 Part 1 in person on Wednesday. If you can't make it due to self isolation requirements, please let me know so that I can arrange a Zoom presentation for you instead.
Please be ready at 10am to present your printed A3 work, which should be pinned to the wall (I'll arrive early to help set up). Due to the available wall space, we'll start with 4 projects pinned up to present then swap over until everyone has had a chance. Everyone will have 5 minutes to present their work, describe their analysis process and highlight the key features that stand out to them, followed by 5 mins of class discussion/ observations of the next key moves you might take.
To clarify what should be presented and handed in, it's the culmination of your observations, research and analysis gathered over the past couple of weeks. As we discussed today, design communication is primarily a visual language, so place emphasis on your drawings and graphics for the presentation.
To order your presentation in a logical sequence, start with the big picture and then drill down into the site. An example of your page order might be:
Pg 1: site context - regional scale analysis
Pg 2: site context - local scale analysis
Pg 3: site context - neighborhood scale analysis
Pg 4: site history/ background information
pg 5: site analysis diagrams (could be thumbnail size diagram of each site analysis layer e.g. hydrology, vegetation, movement, transport etc) You might end up with more pages to suit your drawing outputs.
pg 6: opportunities and constraints diagram/ next key moves
Don't feel limited by this, it's only a suggested structure to give guidance based on standard industry practice. If you have a more innovative or creative way to present this, then go for it!
If you need further guidance, go back to the design brief and look through the Marking Criteria and the Grade Profile guideline.
Good luck!