Assignment 1 Part 2 - planting guidance

Assignment 1 Part 2 - planting guidance

ni Heather Wilkins -
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hi class,

As your conceptual design starts to develop, start thinking about the planting strategy that will best compliment your big design move. 

Below is a link to planting guides produced by Auckland Council which will be useful references for many if you. You'll see in some of the planting guides a section that illustrates the relationship of forest structure relative to slope and situation, which will also be useful as you explore the site in plan and section.

There is also another link to Ecological Values within stormwater treatment areas for anyone interested in exploring water sensitive design.

Over the coming weeks, we'll start to look more closely at plant selections - read back through the assignment brief and assessment criteria to refresh your memory of the requirements around this.

Any questions, please let me know.
