Wrap up for term 1 and assignment 1 part 1 grade

Wrap up for term 1 and assignment 1 part 1 grade

ni Heather Wilkins -
Number of replies: 0

kia ora class,

Well done on your work this term - you're all doing really well and I'm impressed with how far you've all progressed in 6 short weeks!

For the 2nd assignment, remember this is primarily a graphic presentation so emphasize your drawings, sketches and plans. Keep text to a minimum of labels and bullet points, and try not to let blocks of text dominate visually.

Your concept strategy should have a descriptive title, and don't forget standard graphic conventions of north point (with north at top of the page) and scale. If you need inspiration for your park typology and naming your design drivers, check out https://www.aucklanddesignmanual.co.nz/streets-and-parks/park-design for some case studies that explain the design process others have used.

I'll post the scale converter sheet from the copy centre separately, for future reference.

I've emailed you all individually with your grade and comments attached for the first assignment, so check your spam folder if you haven't received it.

Happy Easter!

Nga mihi,
