Assignment 1 part 2 grades now issued

Assignment 1 part 2 grades now issued

par Heather Wilkins,
Nombre de réponses : 0

hi class, 

Hope you've enjoyed the long weekend. 

You should all have recieved an email with attached PDF of your grade and comments on Assignment 1 Part 2. If you haven't recieved the email, please check your junk mail and if it's not there, please contact me.

Apologies for the delay getting this to you all.

Assignment 2 Part 1 has been graded, and awaiting moderation so you should have that next week. I'll bring your work back on Wednesday and leave it in the studio, as you'll need it for the final assignment. 

Top tip for common plant names in your plant schedule for assignment 2 part 2 - A useful website for checking Maori plant names and traditional uses is this excellent website from Landcare Research:

See you on Wednesday for our last session! 

kind regards