Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 3:28 PM
Site: Unitec Online
Course: Guide to Moodle (Guide to Moodle)
Glossary: Guide to Moodle
William(Administrator) Lu (No Reply)

Reset Turnitin assignment

Option 1:  (Copy) says Create Duplicates, New Turnitin Class....
This one looks at the current course to find which Turntin class it links to and creates a new class in Turnitin to link to, then for each Moodle Direct activity, creates a new version of each Turnitin assignment in the newly created class with the exact same assignment options. (This is generally the one most folks will choose). It is not destructive and will keep copies of the previous class and assignments containing submissions in Turnitin but will create new activities linked to brand new empty replicas of the Turnitin assignments

Option 2:  (Replace) Replace Assignment Parts, Reuse Turnitin Class
This one is similar to the above but instead of creating a brand new class it will reuse the previously linked class and create brand new replicas of the assignments in it rather than use a new class. Downside to this method is you keep the previous Turnitin cohort of students. This option is pretty specific to certain use cases and is generally not used very often.

Option 3: Untouched
As you say, leaves the class and assignment linkage the same and basically does nothing to the Moodle Direct activities.

Resizing images before uploading to Moodle

It is often best to resize images before you upload them to Moodle. This makes their file size smaller, and means less data your students have to download every time they view the image.

Here is a quick instructional video on resizing an image using a free browser-based tool called Pixlr Editor. You don't have to install something, just go to the Pixlr website and start using it!


  1. Go to
  2. Launch the "Pixlr Editor" web app (under the big banner)
  3. Choose to open a file from your computer
  4. Find the file and open it
  5. Go to Image > Resize
  6. Choose a smaller size (recommended maximum 800 x 600 for uploading to Moodle) by typing values into the boxes or using the sliders
  7. Click ok
  8. Go to File > Save
  9. Choose a new name for your image (recommend putting _resized after the image name so you know it's the resized one)
  10. Click ok
  11. Choose where to save it on your computer and click save

It is now ready to upload to Moodle!

Resizing images in Moodle

You can do this using free software such as Gimp or Paint.NET. On a Windows machine, you can use the inbuilt Paint software to resize images. On Macs, you can use iPhoto.

If you need to tweak an image size slightly after uploading, it's easy.

  1. Make sure you are editing the label or page where the image is.
  2. Select the image by clicking on it (it should highlight blue).
  3. You can drag the little corner boxes to resize the image...
  4. Click the "Insert/edit image" button.
  5. In the second tab "Appearance" change the image dimensions manually (this is more accurate)

NB: Super hint! If you wish an image to resize automatically to the size available on the screen, then remove the height property in the image dimensions, and add 100% (or whatever percentage) to the width property! The image will then scale / resize automatically!

Dimensions 1

Dimensions 2

Resize this window and see the difference between these two pictures. One will resize, the other will not:


Bunnies resizing!


These are items containing information/knowledge that a teacher offers to support learning.

To add a new resource to your course you must first turn editing on

Turn editing on

Note: There are now two methods for adding activities and resources to course pages, you may either use the traditional Add activity or resource link or the new Activity chooser

Check the Administration block to see if you have the Activity chooser turned on or off. You may turn the chooser on or off by clicking on the entry within the Administration block.

Activity chooser admin

Add an resource using the Add activity or resource link

Note: To use this method the Activity chooser must be turned offActivity chooser off

Scroll to the bottom of the section where you wish to add the resource and click the Add activity or resource link near the bottom.

add an activity or resource (link)

The Add an activity or resource window will appear. Scroll past the list of activities to select the type of resource you wish to add and click the Add button, otherwise click Cancel to return to your course page.

Resource picker

Add a resource using the Activity chooser

Note: To use this method the Activity chooser must be turned onActivity chooser on

When enabled the Activity chooser replaces the Add activity or resource link described above with two drop down boxes one for resources and one for activities.

Activity chooser

Scroll to the bottom of the section where you wish to add the resource and click the Add a resource drop-down menu. Click on the resource type you wish to add from the list that appears.

resource drop

This page describes the process of adding resources to your course page, however, the process of adding activities is essentially the same.

Resources - Book

Presents content in a textbook format, allowing for chapters and subchapters (2 levels only). Pages can be enhanced by multimedia.

Setting up a book:

Choose "Book" from the "Add an activity or resource" menu.

Give the book a name.

You can give it a description, though this is not necessary.

Chapter numbering

  • None - Chapter and subchapter titles have no formatting
  • Numbers - Chapters and subchapter titles are numbered 1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, ...
  • Bullets - Subchapters are indented and displayed with bullets in the table of contents
  • Indented - Subchapters are indented in the table of contents

Custom titles

Normally the chapter title is displayed in the table of contents (TOC) AND as a heading above the content.

If the custom titles checkbox is ticked, the chapter title is NOT displayed as a heading above the content. A different title (perhaps longer than the chapter title) may be entered as part of the content.

You will be prompted to add your first page (chapter) when you create the book. Add in a title (this will show in the book table of contents) and content (this will display in the main page area).

Adding pages (chapters and subchapters):

Make sure you have editing on when you are viewing your book to edit and add chapters. You will know if you do, because the table of contents will have editing icons after each chapter/page like this: page editing icons

When adding a page you have the option to make it a 'sub-chapter'. This nests the page under the one you clicked the plus icon by.

When you have multiple pages, there will be another icon which lets you change the order of pages in your book: extra book icons

Resources - File

A document presented for students to download - PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, image...

Adding a file:

Drag and drop the file onto your course page (make sure you have editing turned on before doing this).


Choose "File" from the "Add an activity or resource" menu.

Give it a name.

Description is optional.

Drag the file into the drag and drop box or choose the "Add..." button to browse for the file on your computer.

Once the file appears in the box on the Moodle page, you can continue.



This setting, together with the file type and whether the browser allows embedding, determines how the file is displayed. Options may include:

    • Automatic - The best display option for the file type is selected automatically
    • Embed - The file is displayed within the page below the navigation bar together with the file description and any blocks
    • Force download - The user is prompted to download the file
    • Open - Only the file is displayed in the browser window
    • In pop-up - The file is displayed in a new browser window without menus or an address bar
    • In frame - The file is displayed within a frame below the navigation bar and file description
    • New window - The file is displayed in a new browser window with menus and an address bar

Display size

Displays the file size, such as '3.1 MB', beside links to the file. If there are multiple files in this resource, the total size of all files is displayed.

Display type

Displays the type of the file, such as 'Word document', beside links to the file. If there are multiple files in this resource, the start file type is displayed. If the file type is not known to the system, it will not display.

Resources - File - Linking to Office365 documents for students

This page describes a method for creating read-only links for students to view office documents directly in the browser.


It is common for teachers to want to put content on a Moodle course for students to access.

This may be in the form of Microsoft Office documents such as Word, Powerpoint or Excel.

Traditionally a teacher might upload these documents as File resources, either as the original file type (eg. doc, ppt, xls) or exported to PDF first. This method works fine, but these resources need to be carefully maintained should the content of the file need changes in future.

An alternative solution may be to create read-only links for students to view live documents directly in their browser, while also allowing the teacher to edit the content without any need to update or otherwise maintain links in Moodle.

Step 1: Get a link for your office document

This requires your document to be stored in OneDrive or SharePoint and the document open in your web browser. 

Once the document is open and you are satisfied the content is ready to share with your students, click the Share button in the top right corner of the window.


This will bring up the sharing popup, click on Get a link on the left hand side, then click on the drop down list to select appropriate security options.

If you wish to restrict access to Unitec students only; select View link - account in your organization required, otherwise if you want anyone to be able to view the document; select View link - no sign in required.

Warning: Do not leave the drop down list in the default Edit link - no sign in required state; this will mean anyone will be able to edit your document! Select one of the View link - options instead.

Once you have selected the appropriate View link - option you are ready to select and copy the URL link provided.

Right click on the URL box and select copy from the drop down menu (or use control-c to copy the text).

You are now ready to move onto the next step.

Step 2: Create a URL resource in moodle and link to your document

Go to your moodle course page and Turn editing on, then use the activity picker to create a new URL resource.

Give your link a meaningful name, and an optional description if you wish.

Paste your URL into the External URL box

It's a good idea to check that your URL resource is setup to open in a new window so that students don't lose their place in Moodle by following your link. This is done under appearance.

Check any other settings you might wish to change, for example displaying the description on the course page and automatic completion tracking when students view the resource.

Finally, click Save and Return to Course and you are done.

Turn editing off for your course and check your newly created link works correctly.

Tame your Google Gmail filter

Why I didn't receive any email from Moodle?

Unfortunately, there's no easy way for you to ensure your emails don't hit the Promotions tab. It's also unclear how Gmail decides whether an email is "promotional" or not.

Below is how to "teach" a gmail account to treat your emails as primary. 

This can be done by clicking on the email (without opening it) & dragging it to the "primary tab". You will then see a message that says:

 "The conversation has been moved to "primary".  UndoDo this for future messages from "email address x"?Yes"

If you click yes, all future emails from that address will go to the primary tab.

This will certainly work for each individual who does it, I.e.. Each person who does it, their gmail account will always send your emails to the primary tab.

Tidy up your course

This entry contains suggestions for how to tidy up your moodle course

1. If you’re not using it, delete it, or drag it to a hidden section
2. Put links into a Glossary or a Page (to reduce scroll of death)

Glossary features:

  • searchable by author /date / letter
  • alphabetical
  • make your own categories - or it can be updated by date 
  • your students to contribute their links (if you set up for this)
  • share with other teachers or keep to yourself / your class
  • can insert .pdf files
  • can link to words in forum entries

Page features:

  • name it whatever you want
  • edit it right there inside moodle
  • can curate the links i.e. describe what the link is and why students should access it (required reading / recommended reading / helpful for assessment 2 etc)
  • can copy and paste from MS Word doc into 'page', then don't have to delete docs and re-upload if out of date. 

3. Put files e.g PDF, Word or PPT into Folders (or Glossary) or do 5. below

Folder features:

  • name it whatever you want
  • can contain related files altogether eg all files for assessment 1, or topic 1 or week 1
  • reduces scroll of death

4. Videos and images

Put videos into a 'page' by either adding a link or inserting the embed code. Don't put the video on your course homepage, as it will take time to load.

Reduce your image size - otherwise, it will take time to load. 

5. Instead of uploading Word, Ppt, Excel etc files , use Office 365 and link from there.


  • you only update your file in Office365, and because it is linked into Moodle, students will see the update immediately. (check sharing permissions)

 6. Contact Te Puna Ako staff for help with how to do any of these steps (or search in the Guide to Moodle for the relevant word e.g. page/glossary)


enjoy your tidy course!!

Turn editing on

If you are a teacher or manager in a course, you will have the ability to edit.


Administration block > Course administration > Turn editing on


Clicking turn editing on will turn editing on.

Clicking turn editing off will turn editing off.