Saturday, 27 July 2024, 12:13 PM
Site: Unitec Online
Course: Guide to Moodle (Guide to Moodle)
Glossary: Guide to Moodle

How to Clear the Cache?

Your internet browser's cache stores certain information (snapshots) of webpages you visit on your computer or mobile device so that they'll load more quickly upon future visits and while navigating through websites that use the same images on multiple pages so that you do not download the same image multiple times.

Occasionally, however your cache can prevent you from seeing updated content, or cause functional problems when stored content conflicts with live content.

You can fix many browser problems simply by clearing your cache.

An easy way to reload a page and bypass the cache (force-reload page) involves using keyboard shortcuts. Generally, the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl] + [F5] will work. But ultimately, this depends on what browser you are using.

  • Mozilla Firefox
    • reload page and bypass cache:
      [Ctrl] + [F5]
      or [Ctrl] + [SHIFT] + [R]
      or [Shift] + browser 
      Reload button
    • clear cache:
      [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Del]

  • Google Chrome
    • reload page:
      [Ctrl] + [F5]
      or [Shift] + [F5]
      or [Ctrl] + browser 
      Reload button
    • reload page and bypass cache:
      [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [R]
      or perform above page reload twice in a row
    • clear cache:
      [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Del]

  • Internet Explorer 9
    • reload page and bypass cache:
      [Ctrl] + [F5]
      or [Ctrl] + browser 
      Refresh button
    • clear cache:
      [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Del]

Grades - Marking workflow

Marking workflow allows for results of assignment type activities to sit in a number of different states prior to being released to students. This is only available for assignment type activities not quiz.

On a basic level this allows results to be hidden from students until you're ready, but also allows for assessors to keep track of the state of individual student's assignment through a mark->review->release workflow.

Enable marking workflow

Edit the settings for the assignment activity:

Administration, Assignment administration, Edit settings

Under the Grade area of the Edit settings page, set Use marking workflow to Yes

Use marking workflow

Save your changes, you have now enabled marking workflow for this assignment.

Using marking workflow

When you are ready to grade an assignment click on the assignment and then View/grade all submissions as normal

view/grade all submissions

In the grading page is where you can start to see marking workflow options appear, the default marking workflow state is Not marked, you can see this under the status column of the assignment grading page.

Not marked

When grading an individual assessment there is now an option to set marking workflow state, any state other than "Released" will hide the current grade from the student.

marking workflow state

Changing the marking workflow state of multiple submissions

It is also possible to change the marking workflow state for multiple or all students who have participated in an assignment.

Go to the assignment grading page and use the check boxes down the left hand side to select multiple or all participants in the list.

select multiple

Now down the bottom you have an option to act on the selected participants

with selected

Click Go and you will be taken to a Set marking workflow state for (multiple) users page, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the new marking workflow state and then click Save changes.

set workflow multiple

All the selected participants activities are now set to this new marking workflow state

Download/Backing up Turnitin assignments and grades

An inactive Turnitin activity (link) is problematic for you because if anyone clicks on the Turnitin activity, it will incorrectly enrol all the previous years students into your current Moodle course, user list and gradebook. If you want to keep your students work from this Turnitin activity, you can download their submissions (with your grades) to your computer by following these easy steps below:

1. In your Moodle course, go to your Turnitin assignment page and change the list option from "Show 10" to "Show All" (See the screen shot below).

2. Select the check box beside "Student" to select all students' assignments.

3. Click "Download".

4. Select "Selected GradeMark Files". It may take a long time to  download. Please be patient.

5. Click on "Turnitin Messages Inbox" to check if students' assignments have been downloaded. If so click on "bulk download" to save it onto your computer. Then delete the online copy by clicking on the red recycle bin icon beside it.

That's all.

Screenshot - Download Turnitin assignment and grades

6. You can then delete this Turnitin assignment from your Moodle course.

Enrolment - Guest access info for students

How to access a course as “Guest

Step 1:

Follow the course link which your tutor gave to you, i.e:

Step 2:

Click on the button: “Log in as a guest

Step 3:

Enter the password which your tutor gave to you.

Step 4:

Click on the button: “Submit”

It will be convenient if you bookmark this page.

Don’t let others know the password.


Click detailed instructions for step by step guidance, or follow the infographic below.


Delete manually enrolled users

If there are manually enrolled students in your Moodle course, you will need to manually unenrol them. If not, these students will still receive email notifications through Moodle.

Enrolment - Enrol your students into Moodle

To ensure your students are enrolled in your Moodle course, you will need to do the following:
  1. Get the Peoplesoft ID from your Academic Administrator
  2. Ensure the Peoplesoft ID is entered into your Moodle course
Follow the steps below to enter your PeoplesoftID into Moodle:
  1. Click “Edit Settings” under the administration block
  2. Enter your Peoplesoft ID into the Peoplesoft ID field
  3. Scroll down and click on the “Save and Display” button


Now your students should be enrolled in your Moodle course in next server cron job runs, you can check it out the next day!

Reset Turnitin assignment

Option 1:  (Copy) says Create Duplicates, New Turnitin Class....
This one looks at the current course to find which Turntin class it links to and creates a new class in Turnitin to link to, then for each Moodle Direct activity, creates a new version of each Turnitin assignment in the newly created class with the exact same assignment options. (This is generally the one most folks will choose). It is not destructive and will keep copies of the previous class and assignments containing submissions in Turnitin but will create new activities linked to brand new empty replicas of the Turnitin assignments

Option 2:  (Replace) Replace Assignment Parts, Reuse Turnitin Class
This one is similar to the above but instead of creating a brand new class it will reuse the previously linked class and create brand new replicas of the assignments in it rather than use a new class. Downside to this method is you keep the previous Turnitin cohort of students. This option is pretty specific to certain use cases and is generally not used very often.

Option 3: Untouched
As you say, leaves the class and assignment linkage the same and basically does nothing to the Moodle Direct activities.

Upload a big file

We cannot recommend moodle for submissions of files of this size, file submission data is stored in the moodle database which is both very expensive and limited. This is in addition to potentially causing problems for the server when uploading and downloading files of this size

Our recommendation is that students share their files with you using OneDrive, this is a Microsoft service provided for students by Unitec, unlike moodle it is intended for file storage and sharing.

  1. Go to in your browser.
  2. Sign in with your Unitec login and password details, students should use format for their login.
  3. Click the blue and white “grid” icon in the top left (also known as the “waffle”).
  4. Once OneDrive loads in a new tab, you can drag files into the area where it says “Drag files here to upload”.
  5. Once uploaded right click on the file and select Share.
  6. Here you have a number of options about how to share your file, the easiest (but least secure) is to click “Copy Link” and paste that into an email to your lecturer.

    Alternatively click on the drop down and untick the box that says allow editing, then Apply, then “Copy Link”.

    There are also options for sharing for specific people, which is recommended for more security. But I will let you explore those options once you gain familiarity with sharing using the above steps.

Activities - Turnitin Marking