Thursday, 13 February 2025, 9:22 AM
Site: Unitec Online
Course: Guide to Moodle (Guide to Moodle)
Glossary: Guide to Moodle

Groups - Adding/removing groups from groupings

Once you have created your groupings and your groups, you need to assign groups to groupings.

  1. Course administration > Users > Groups
  2. Click the "Groupings" tab (found near the top of the page)
  3. Find the grouping you would like to populate with groups
  4. Over to the right there is a little icon for viewing groups in grouping. Groups in groupings icon Click this.
  5. Choose the group (or groups) you want in this grouping from the list on the right and click "Add"
  6. When you are done, you can click the "Return to groupings" button or just return to your course. You do not need to save changes.

Removing groups follows the same process, but instead of selecting the group from the right hand list and clicking "Add", you select it from the left hand list and click "Remove".

Groups - Adding/removing users from groups

  1. Course Administration > Users > Groups
  2. Click the group you would like to add/remove users from to highlight it
  3. Click "Add/remove users"
  4. Find the users you wish to add in the right hand list (either by scrolling or using the search box below) and use the "Add" button.
  5. Find the users you wish to remove in the left hand list (either by scrolling or using the search box below) and use the "Remove" button.
  6. When you are done click the "Back to groups" button near the bottom of the page.

Groups - Creating groups

Manually creating groups

  1. Course Administration > Users > Groups
  2. Click "Create a group"
  3. Name your group (and you can upload a group icon and give it a description)
  4. Click "Save"
  5. Repeat to create as many groups as you would like.

Auto create groups

  1. Course Administration > Users > Groups
  2. Click "Auto-create groups"

Auto-create groups settings

Select members from role - The members of your group will be selected from the pool of students by default. If you want to include teachers and students in the auto-creation, change this to "All".

Select members from cohort - Only site administrators should see this setting.

Specify - number of groups or members per group - do you want to break the class up into a specific number of groups, or by the number of people per group?

Group/member count - this field is required and is linked to the previous setting. i.e. If you want your students split into 3 groups, put 3 in here and have "number of groups" for the previous setting.

Prevent last small group - If there are not the right numbers to make even groups, often one group will be created that is smaller than the rest. Checking this will distribute those students amongst the existing groups instead, even if it pushes the numbers above the ones you specified for maximum members in a group.

Allocate members - your options are randomly, alphabetically by first name last name, alphabetically by last name first name, alphabetically by ID number.

Naming scheme - The at symbol (@) may be used to create groups with names containing letters. For example Group @ will generate groups named Group A, Group B, Group C, ...

The hash symbol (#) may be used to create groups with names containing numbers. For example Group # will generate groups named Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, ...

Groups - Restricting Access to Specific Groups

1. Click Turn editing on at the top right of your course page:

2. Click Edit settings to the right of the activity you want to restrict access to:


 Click Edit topic to the right of the section you want to restrict access to:

3. Under the Restrict access heading, click Add restriction.

4. Then click on the Group button.

5. Select the group that you want to restrict from accessing the assignment/section from the drop down menu.

6. You can shut off the eye if you want other students who are not in this group to see the warning: "Not available unless..."

7. Save changes.

Groups - Teaching in a shared course

This guide is about how teachers can teach in a shared course.

Has to be done by the team leader: 

  1. Edit course settings to allow the PeopleSoft ID to automatically enrol students (How to)
  2. Manually create groups. Your team should follow a ‘Group naming’ protocol like: “Joe Blogs’ Class 1 ”, then, add students to groups.
  3. Add sections with the same name as the group name to keep consistency.
  4. Restrict access to the relevant section, to a specific group.


  1. You don’t need Grouping anymore.
  2. ‘Shut the eye’ to hide the unnecessary warning which says ‘Not available unless..’
  3. If a teacher wants additional groups within their class, create and label them properly, for example, Class1a, Class1b….

 Has to be done by teachers:

  1. Add students into your own group(s)
  2. Add Resources/Activities in your own section and don't modify other teacher’s sections
  3. If you are using additional groups, you should set up 'Restrict Access' by following number 4 above. 


Never manually enrol students.


Hide my email from other students

If you don't want other students in Moodle to see your email address, you can hide it:

1. Click on your profile photo at the top-right corner, then, click the "Profile" option from the drop-down menu.  

2. Click the "Edit profile" link.

3. Select the "Hide my email address from non-privileged users" option from the "Email display" drop-down menu. (non-privileged users means students, guests, visitors. Privileged users, such as teachers and managers, will always be able to see your email address.)

4. Save your changes by scrolling down the page and clicking the "Update profile" button.

Horizontal rule

It is possible to make a beautiful horizontal rule in Moodle.

Here is an example which you can add to your own course by clicking the < > button and pasting the following code.

<hr style="height:8px; color:##800000; background-color:#800000;" width="75%">

The horizontal rule is a great way to separate resources and activities into manageable chunks, display subtopics in sections.

How to Clear the Cache?

Your internet browser's cache stores certain information (snapshots) of webpages you visit on your computer or mobile device so that they'll load more quickly upon future visits and while navigating through websites that use the same images on multiple pages so that you do not download the same image multiple times.

Occasionally, however your cache can prevent you from seeing updated content, or cause functional problems when stored content conflicts with live content.

You can fix many browser problems simply by clearing your cache.

An easy way to reload a page and bypass the cache (force-reload page) involves using keyboard shortcuts. Generally, the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl] + [F5] will work. But ultimately, this depends on what browser you are using.

  • Mozilla Firefox
    • reload page and bypass cache:
      [Ctrl] + [F5]
      or [Ctrl] + [SHIFT] + [R]
      or [Shift] + browser 
      Reload button
    • clear cache:
      [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Del]

  • Google Chrome
    • reload page:
      [Ctrl] + [F5]
      or [Shift] + [F5]
      or [Ctrl] + browser 
      Reload button
    • reload page and bypass cache:
      [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [R]
      or perform above page reload twice in a row
    • clear cache:
      [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Del]

  • Internet Explorer 9
    • reload page and bypass cache:
      [Ctrl] + [F5]
      or [Ctrl] + browser 
      Refresh button
    • clear cache:
      [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Del]

How to copy a Quickmarks

  1. open your Turnitin assignment link,
  2. then click on the QM icon which is a tick symbol, near top right corner of your screen
  3. select the QM set you want to share
  4. click on the arrow near top right corner
  5. choose export. (it will download as a .qms file). Don’t open it
  6. go to your email and compose an email to the person you want to share it with
  7. go to your downloads so you can attach the .qms file to your email
  8. send your email and then the recipient needs to import it (using the import arrow inside Turnitin)

How to import content from one course to another

Once a programme template has been decided on, you can import it over the top of your own course. It will not affect any of your existing content, and you may find that you need to move things around once the template is in place to make the content fit.

Some people choose to start from a blank template (start from scratch) and then import the existing content they want to keep from their old course into their new one. This is also an option.

If you would like a new course (your old course will be left as it is), please fill out this form. One of the eLearn team will process this request and you will be emailed when your new course is ready for you to use.

If you would like to import the programme template over your existing course, please follow the instructions below.

Note: You must have editing teacher access to both the template course and your own course. If you do not have editing teacher access to the template course, please speak with another teacher in your programme, they can assign you access.

1. Go to your own course

2. You may need to tidy up the first section in your own course and remove everything from that section

3. Course Administration (block) > Import

4. Find the template course in the list, or search for it using the search box

5. Select that course and click "Continue"

6. Leave all three options ticked (include activities, include blocks, include filters) and click "Next"

7. Scroll to the bottom of the Schema Settings page and click "Next"

8. Scroll to the bottom of the Confirmation and Review page and click "Perform Import"

9. Depending on how much is in the template, you may need to wait a few seconds. You will receive a confirmation screen saying that the import has been successful. Click "Continue" to return to your course, where you should see the new template applied.