Tuesday, 21 January 2025, 5:15 PM
Site: Unitec Online
Course: Guide to Moodle (Guide to Moodle)
Glossary: Guide to Moodle

Free images - stock, creators, editors

There are various sites that provide free images. Some give you the tools to create the images yourself, and some provide royalty free or creative commons images for you to use.

We have bolded the ones we recommend for quality of images and ease of use.

NB: If photos have people on them, there may be a model-release involved. Please check for these.

Image creators

  • Canva - free to create an account
  • OpenBadges.me - enter an email address and create free badges from a range of shapes and templates
  • Piktochart - create your own infographics or graphics, option for collaboration, easy to use templates
  • Powtoon - create free animated videos and presentations, everything you need is provided

Royalty free or creative commons images ready to use

Image editors - resize, crop, apply effects to your own images

Other useful resources