Saturday, 27 July 2024, 11:48 AM
Site: Unitec Online
Course: Guide to Moodle (Guide to Moodle)
Glossary: Guide to Moodle

Tame your Google Gmail filter

Why I didn't receive any email from Moodle?

Unfortunately, there's no easy way for you to ensure your emails don't hit the Promotions tab. It's also unclear how Gmail decides whether an email is "promotional" or not.

Below is how to "teach" a gmail account to treat your emails as primary. 

This can be done by clicking on the email (without opening it) & dragging it to the "primary tab". You will then see a message that says:

 "The conversation has been moved to "primary".  UndoDo this for future messages from "email address x"?Yes"

If you click yes, all future emails from that address will go to the primary tab.

This will certainly work for each individual who does it, I.e.. Each person who does it, their gmail account will always send your emails to the primary tab.

Tidy up your course

This entry contains suggestions for how to tidy up your moodle course

1. If you’re not using it, delete it, or drag it to a hidden section
2. Put links into a Glossary or a Page (to reduce scroll of death)

Glossary features:

  • searchable by author /date / letter
  • alphabetical
  • make your own categories - or it can be updated by date 
  • your students to contribute their links (if you set up for this)
  • share with other teachers or keep to yourself / your class
  • can insert .pdf files
  • can link to words in forum entries

Page features:

  • name it whatever you want
  • edit it right there inside moodle
  • can curate the links i.e. describe what the link is and why students should access it (required reading / recommended reading / helpful for assessment 2 etc)
  • can copy and paste from MS Word doc into 'page', then don't have to delete docs and re-upload if out of date. 

3. Put files e.g PDF, Word or PPT into Folders (or Glossary) or do 5. below

Folder features:

  • name it whatever you want
  • can contain related files altogether eg all files for assessment 1, or topic 1 or week 1
  • reduces scroll of death

4. Videos and images

Put videos into a 'page' by either adding a link or inserting the embed code. Don't put the video on your course homepage, as it will take time to load.

Reduce your image size - otherwise, it will take time to load. 

5. Instead of uploading Word, Ppt, Excel etc files , use Office 365 and link from there.


  • you only update your file in Office365, and because it is linked into Moodle, students will see the update immediately. (check sharing permissions)

 6. Contact Te Puna Ako staff for help with how to do any of these steps (or search in the Guide to Moodle for the relevant word e.g. page/glossary)


enjoy your tidy course!!

Turn editing on

If you are a teacher or manager in a course, you will have the ability to edit.


Administration block > Course administration > Turn editing on


Clicking turn editing on will turn editing on.

Clicking turn editing off will turn editing off.

Turnitin file formats

To submit a paper to Turnitin, your paper must meet our requirements.  

Turnitin will currently accept the following file types to generate Originality Reports: 

  • Microsoft Word® (.doc / .docx)1
  • OpenOffice Text (.odt)2
  • Google Docs via Google Drive™ (.gdoc files are NOT acceptable)3
  • WordPerfect®  (.wpd)
  • PostScript (.ps/.eps)
  • Adobe® PDF4
  • Microsoft PowerPoint® (.pptx, .ppt, .ppsx, and .pps)5
  • Microsoft Excel® (.xls and .xlsx)6
  • HTML 
  • Rich text format (.rtf) 
  • Plain text (.txt)
  • Hangul Word Processor file (.hwp)

The paper being submitted must contain more than 20 words, must be under 20MB (or approximately one million characters), must not exceed 200 pages in length, and must not contain spaces in between every letter (l i k e  t h i s). 

Please note that we do not support:

  • Microsoft® Works (.wps) file types.
  • Apple Pages file types.
  • Spreadsheets created outside of Microsoft Excel (i.e. .ods).
  • GDOC files (.gdoc) which are just links to online Google Document files, but don't actually contain text or the document's content. Google Drive must be used to upload Google Docs.
  • Prezi Presentations
  • M-Files (.m format)

Therefore, if an unsupported word processor is being used, you may need to save the file as a TXT or RTF file in order to upload to Turnitin.

If a file format issue is occurring, please re-open the file in a word processor, and save the file again using the "save as" function and choosing a different format from the file type pull down menu (try RTF or TXT as they are the most "safe"). Occasionally content in document headers and footers can prevent a file from being accepted by the Turnitin service. If you encounter issues uploading a document that contains headers and footers, editing or removing the content may resolve the issue.


  1. Microsoft Word: We do not accept Microsoft Word 2007 macros-enabled (.docm) files (we do accept the standard .docx files). Whatever macro is encoded in the file is stripped away when submitted to Turnitin. For example, when using a "letter replacement macro," we strip the macro from the Wordfile, and whatever characters the student originally had in the file will appear (i.e. "a~"). Also, we do NOT accept password protected files.
  2. Open Office Text: Turnitin will not accept .odt files created and downloaded from Google Docs online. Turnitin will not accept ".doc" files created using OpenOffice since OpenOffice ".doc" files are not 100% Microsoft Word equivalent.
  3. Google Docs: GDOC files (*.gdoc) which are just links to online Google Document files, but don't actually contain text or the document's content are not supported. Google Drive must be used to upload Google Docs.
  4. Adobe® PDF: Turnitin will not accept PDF image files, forms, or portfolios. PDF files which do not contain highlightable text (e.g., a "scanned" file, which is often simply a picture of text) are unacceptable. PDF portfolio documents containing multiple files are not supported. 
  5. Microsoft PowerPoint: It is possible to submit PowerPoint files. Turnitin converts the PowerPoint slide deck into a static PDF, leaving all text and images in their original format but leaving out features such as presenter notes, embedded video, and animations. Text with visual effects is not supported, and it is recommended that any visual effects such as shadows and 3-D be removed prior to submitting to Turnitin
  6. Microsoft Excel: The version of the file that can be viewed in the Document Viewer will look the same as it would if the Excel file had been saved as a PDF and submitted to Turnitin. We highly recommend that users pay attention to the image preview provided in the single file submission to verify that the file is presented in an acceptable manner.  Users can adjust the way the file looks by editing the page setup and print area settings for the file prior to saving it and submitting it to Turnitin.  

Typing Māori easily

If you are using Mac

If you are using Windows

  • make sure you have the Maori keyboard installed (Unitec Managed builds will have this - talk to IMS)
  • in your task bar click the little keyboard icon and switch to Maori keyboard mode
  • type ` (usually to the left of the 1 on your keyboard) followed directly by the vowel and it will become one with a macron
  • when you are done make sure to return to US keyboard mode