Update profile (my profile)You can find your profile by clicking on your user picture in the top right. This is what other users on the site see when they click on your name. You can add more details and a description, and upload a user picture. 1. From the drop-down menu at the top-right corner, click on 'Profile': 2. Click on the link 'Edit profile': 3. Click the ? next to some fields to see what these settings do 4. Upload a user picture from your computer 5. Click the "Update profile" button at the very bottom |
Upload a big fileWe cannot recommend moodle for submissions of files of this size, file submission data is stored in the moodle database which is both very expensive and limited. This is in addition to potentially causing problems for the server when uploading and downloading files of this size. Our recommendation is that students share their files with you using OneDrive, this is a Microsoft service provided for students by Unitec, unlike moodle it is intended for file storage and sharing.