Upload a big file

We cannot recommend moodle for submissions of files of this size, file submission data is stored in the moodle database which is both very expensive and limited. This is in addition to potentially causing problems for the server when uploading and downloading files of this size

Our recommendation is that students share their files with you using OneDrive, this is a Microsoft service provided for students by Unitec, unlike moodle it is intended for file storage and sharing.

  1. Go to myportal.unitec.ac.nz in your browser.
  2. Sign in with your Unitec login and password details, students should use smithj07@myunitec.ac.nz format for their login.
  3. Click the blue and white “grid” icon in the top left (also known as the “waffle”).
  4. Once OneDrive loads in a new tab, you can drag files into the area where it says “Drag files here to upload”.
  5. Once uploaded right click on the file and select Share.
  6. Here you have a number of options about how to share your file, the easiest (but least secure) is to click “Copy Link” and paste that into an email to your lecturer.

    Alternatively click on the drop down and untick the box that says allow editing, then Apply, then “Copy Link”.

    There are also options for sharing for specific people, which is recommended for more security. But I will let you explore those options once you gain familiarity with sharing using the above steps.

» Guide to Moodle