Enrolment - Automatic enrolment

By using the PeopleSoft code, you can let PeopleSoft automatically enrol your students into your Moodle course. They will be enrolled one week before the PeopleSoft course start date, and unenrolled two weeks after the PeopleSoft course end date.

If you need them in longer than these dates, please email yliu@unitec.ac.nz with the course code and the new requested start and end dates.


  1. Course Administration block > Edit settings
  2. Enter the PeopleSoft course code in the PeopleSoft ID field
  3. Click "Save changes" at the bottom

NB: Only one course on Moodle can use the same PeopleSoft ID.

Course enrolment or Programme enrolment?

Moodle Peoplesoft ID field can accept either the Peoplesoft Course or Programme code.

A Peoplesoft course code is PeopleSoft Subject + PeopleSoft Category (ie. APMG8099). There is no space between them. The wrong ID will enrol the wrong students or none!

The list of all Programmes and their PeopleSoft IDs can be found here.

» Guide to Moodle