Activities - Choice - Setting up a choice

Select "Choice" from the "Add an activity or resource" menu.

choice general

Choice name - Give the activity a name. This will display on the course page and at the top of the page when viewing the activity.

Description - This is a good place to put the question you are asking the students to answer.

Display description on course page - If enabled, the description above will be displayed on the course page just below the link to the activity or resource.

Display mode for the options

  • Display horizontally - will display the possible selections/answers listed horizontally across the page
  • Display vertically - will display the possible selections/answers listed vertically on the page

choice options

Allow choice to be updated - Allows the student to change their mind/choice even after they have answered.

Limit the number of responses allowed - This lets you put a limit on each option. For example, you can get students to arrange themselves into groups of 4 using the choice activity, so you would limit each option to 4 users. Once 4 users have chosen that option, no more can choose it, they must choose another. If this is left on No, then the "Limit" fields remain disabled.

Options - At least one option must be given. Any fields left blank will not be included.

Limits - If you set "limit the number of responses" to Yes, then these fields will become enabled and you can choose how many students/users can choose each option.

choice availability

Restrict answering to this time period - By checking this box, you can select a time during which students can use the activity and make their choices. After the time is closed, students can still view the activity and choices they made, but can no longer make changes or new choices.

choice results

Publish results

  • Do not publish results to students - Students never see responses, only teachers see responses
  • Show results to students after they answer - Responses are hidden from student until they have made their own choice
  • Show results to students only after choice is closed - Only use this option if you have set the availability start and end date, otherwise it won't work.
  • Always show results to students - Students see other responses even if they haven't answered themselves.

Privacy of results

  • Publish anonymous results, do not show student names - This produces a simple bar graph of responses with no names.
  • Publish full results, showing names and their choices - This produces a chart showing which students have responded to which choice.

NOTE - teachers always see which students have answered which choice, no matter the settings above.

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