Download/Backing up Turnitin assignments and grades

An inactive Turnitin activity (link) is problematic for you because if anyone clicks on the Turnitin activity, it will incorrectly enrol all the previous years students into your current Moodle course, user list and gradebook. If you want to keep your students work from this Turnitin activity, you can download their submissions (with your grades) to your computer by following these easy steps below:

1. In your Moodle course, go to your Turnitin assignment page and change the list option from "Show 10" to "Show All" (See the screen shot below).

2. Select the check box beside "Student" to select all students' assignments.

3. Click "Download".

4. Select "Selected GradeMark Files". It may take a long time to  download. Please be patient.

5. Click on "Turnitin Messages Inbox" to check if students' assignments have been downloaded. If so click on "bulk download" to save it onto your computer. Then delete the online copy by clicking on the red recycle bin icon beside it.

That's all.

Screenshot - Download Turnitin assignment and grades

6. You can then delete this Turnitin assignment from your Moodle course.

» Guide to Moodle