Enrolment - Self-enrolment

This lets students enrol themselves in your course. You can put a password on so that not every student can just enrol.

NB: students who have self-enrolled must either unenrol themselves from the course when they are done, or the teacher must unenrol them manually. They will not be removed automatically when the course finishes.


  1. Course administration > Users > Enrolment methods
  2. Open the eye on self-enrolment and click the edit button, or add self-enrolment using the "Add method" drop down menu if it's not already there
  3. Click the cog wheel to choose your settings, taking note of password if you want. Use the ? icon to clarify what any of the settings do
  4. Click "Save changes"

(we recommend deleting guest access as this will make the 'Enrol me' button to be located in an obvious pace)

» Guide to Moodle