Enrolment - Removing people from your course (unenrolling users)

Removing staff or students from your course works exactly the same.

You can remove staff and students who have been manually enrolled or self-enrolled.

You cannot remove students who have been enrolled by "external database" (PeopleSoft).

Staff or students enrolled by "course meta link" must be unenrolled from the source course to be unenrolled from yours.

Staff (or sometimes students) who are enrolled by "category enrolment" cannot be removed by you, as they have been assigned to their role at the category level to all courses in that category. If you feel that there are staff there by mistake, please contact your programme administrator or elearn@unitec.ac.nz to clarify.

Instructions for removing manually or self-enrolled students:

  1. Course administration > Users > Enrolled users
  2. Find the user you wish to unenrol and click the X to the very far right by their enrolment method information
  3. Confirm that you wish to unenrol the user


Instructions for removing meta course enrolled users

  1. Course administration > Users > Enrolled users
  2. Check which course the users are being enrolled from
  3. Go to that course and follow the instructions above for removing manually or self-enrolled users

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