Course settings - Course format

course settings format


  • Topics - numbered topics appear in the middle of the page.
  • Weekly - each week (topic box) is dated based on course start date in general settings.
  • Social - the course becomes just one big discussion forum.
  • SCORM - only use this if you know what a SCORM package is and want to have your entire course just be this single scorm package.
  • OneTopic - gives tabs across the top

Number of sections - if you chose Topics or Weekly as your format, this determines the number of section/topic/week boxes you have on your page.

Hidden sections

  • Hidden sections are shown in collapsed form - sections you hide using the eye will show only the section heading to the students, they cannot see the contents of the section.
  • Hidden sections are completely hidden - sections you hide using the eye will not display at all on the course page for students.

Course layout

  • Show all sections on one page - All your topics show stacked on top of each other, with all unhidden resources visible.
  • Show one section per page - When students get to the course, they see the summary box, and each topic/week collapsed down to just the heading and anything written in the summary. Clicking any of these headings will take them directly to that topic, with forward and back arrows to get to the next/previous topics.

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