Activities - Turnitin Assignment

Creates a Turnitin Moodle Direct assignment which links an activity in Moodle to an assignment / assignments on Turnitin. Once linked, the activity allows instructors to access and provide feedback for student's written work using the assessment tools available within Turnitin's Document Viewer.

Walkthrough video:


Steps: Setting up a Turnitin Assignment:

To create a Turnitin Assignment open the course home page, after logging in as a tutor click the 'Turn editing on' button. Select 'Turnitin Assignment' from the 'Add an activity...' drop down menu.

General Turnitin Assignment settings:

  1. Enter a title for the Turnitin Assignment
  2. Enter a description for the assignment
  3. Select the 'Submission Type' for this assignment, 'File Upload' which will take doc, docx, pdf, rtf, txt and html. 'Text Submission' and 'Any Submission Type' allowing submissions to be uploaded in either format.
  4. Select the number of parts to be created as part of this assignment, the start date, due date and post date are given arbitary dates of one week from the time of creation. These dates should be altered as desired on the summary screen after creation.
  5. Select the 'Maximum File Size' for submissions. Turnitin will allow up to 2MB for text only submissions and for text and graphic files 20MB is allowed.
  6. Select 'Overall Grade' from the drop down menu. This is the final grade for the overall assignment. E.g. The assignment is to be graded as a maximum of 16 marks in total, each part can be marked out of 100 but the overall grade will be represented out of 16.
  7. Select whether students can view Originality Reports

Advanced Turnitin Assignment settings:

  1. Allow Late Submissions allows students to submit work after the due date is passed. Submissions made after the due date will be shown in the tutor in-box with the date submission in red to indicate a late submission.
  2. Report Generation Speed determines how and when originaliy reports are generated. The options are:
    1. Generate reports immediately, first report is final - Originality reports are created immediately and students may not resubmit papers. Submissions must be deleted by the instructor to enable resubmission.
    2. Generate reports immediately, reports can be written until due date - The orgininality report is generated immediately. Students may resubmit as often as the student wishes up until the due date. Originality reports form the second and subsequent resubmissions will require a 24 hour delay before originality report is regenerated. Only the latest submission is available to the student and instructor. When the due date passes the originality report is regenerated and student submissions within the same assignment are included in the comparison which may result in a change to the originality report similarity index. Resubmissions are not allowed after the due date.
    3. Generate reports on due date - Originality reports for submissions are generated on the due date. Resubmissions are allowed up until the due date.
  3. Store Student Papers determines where the submission will be stored. Options are No Repository, Standard Repository and Institutional Repository.
  4. Check against stored student papers determines whether submissions are checked against other student papers.
  5. Check against internet determines whether submissions are checked against internet sources.
  6. Check against journals, periodicals and publications determines whether submissions are checked against journal, periodical and publication sources.

Once you have selected all of the required options click 'Save and Display' to be directed to the Summary screen where you will see options to configure each assignment part in more detail.

Assignment Submission Dates

After completion of the assignment settings the 'Summary' page gives you the opportunity update the assignment parts and balance the grades awarded for each part as a proportion of the overall grade. The edit the dates and grades awarded for each part click the pencil icon. The default dates for each assignment part are initially set to be one week from the date the assignment was created.

» Guide to Moodle