Activities - Chat - Using a chat room

Visit the chat room on your course page.

chat entry screen

This will show you:

  • Name of chat room
  • Chat room description
  • A link to open the chat room
  • A link to a more accessible version of the chat room (good for older browsers or screen readers)
  • A link to past chat sessions (if any)
  • A list of people currently in the chat room (if any)

Click to enter the chat room.

chat room

This is a simple three-panel chat interface.

Top left you see any messages users have posted. Note you will only see messages from the time you enter the room until the time you leave the room. To see messages posted when you're not in the room, view the chat logs.

Bottom left is where you can type your messages. Press enter/return on your keyboard to post them to the chat window.

The right panel is the list of users in the room. It shows you how long the user has been idle, and gives you a link to "beep" the user (this will make a beeping sound on their computer if they have sound turned on).

To leave the room, simply close the chat room window.

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