Block - HTML block

A HTML block is basically a 'free' block. This means you can add any text, links or media to it with the HTML editor.

Add a HTML block

In an HTML block you can create links to external URLs, Moodle activities and resources or documents you have uploaded to Moodle

  • Type the word or sentence that will be the link (make sure this is a word/sentence that conveys meaning to the learner)
  • Highlight this word/sentence
  • Select the chain icon in the text editor
  • 2014-12-15_1356.png
  • In the Link URL box of the dialog window, you can add the following:
    • a URL of an external website (e.g.
    • a URL of a Moodle activity/resource (go to the required activity and copy the url that appears on top e.g.
    • a link to a document (see below)
  • Select Insert
  • Select Save changes.

To link to a document:

  • Select the browse icon next to the Link URL field.


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