Enrolment - Guest access

Guest access allows people who are not enrolled in your course, or even people who don't have Moodle accounts at all, to access your course page. This is not a way of enrolling students or teachers into your course.

Guests cannot participate in the course in any way (forums, assignments, etc) but they can view anything that an enrolled student can view.

Courses with guest access enabled are required to have a password set, with the possible exception of some programme or pathway "homepages". If you believe your programme or pathway requires a homepage with open access, you must get permission from Te Puna Ako and measures must be put in place to ensure sensitive data for students and staff are not made available to visitors from outside Unitec.

NB: enabling guest access (but without a password) gives Google access to your course. If you have sensitive or copyrighted material in your course, do not enable guest access. If you do want to enable guest access, make sure you have set a guest password.

The instructions below are for historical purposes.

1. Course administration > Users > Enrolment methods:

Make sure the the eye is open, so guests can access to your course.

Or choose "Guest access" from the "Add method" drop down menu if it isn't there already:

2. Click the edit icon to set a guest password:

3. Click "Save changes"

» Guide to Moodle