1. HTML5- Introduction
  2. CSS
  3. Quiz
  4. Debugging JavaScript
  5. Exercises (week1- HTML java-script)
  6. Test


Your Independent work:

  1. Create and upload  your website to github pages( homepage with menu and links to homework pages).
  2. Permit your lecturer to access your github repo. Instructions here.
    1. Create a Github repository (if not done already) with the name [username].github.io
    2. navigate to the Settings>Manage Access page of your repo:
    3. Invite this account: jschollitt

  3. Review  CSS,  
  4. Review Debugging, Please check lesson 4 from   HTML5 TutorialsFile
  5. (optional) Read through Assignment 1 handout (Moodle>Assessments>Assignment 1)

Last modified: Tuesday, 9 March 2021, 12:41 PM