Find out if your Programme uses the Literacy & Numeracy Assessment Tool (LNAAT), an online adaptive tool designed to help provide information on your learners' reading, writing, and numeracy skills.  

All foundation programmes (Level 3) are required to use the LNAAT tool by TEC (Tertiary Education Commission) within three weeks of the start of the course. Some Level 4 and 5 programmes opt to use it too.  Programmes display rangatiratanga by employing the tool and using the results to help support ākonga.


  • tests reading, writing, vocabulary and numeracy skills of adults
  • links to the learning progressions
  • provides reports for learners, educators, organisations and the TEC
There is more information about the Assessment Tool here on the Nest and here on this Moodle page for teaching staff or here in a guidebook produced by the TEC.

It is a diagnostic tool which helps you to find out where your learners' capabilities are so you can focus your teaching to suit the class and individuals within the class. Knowing your ākonga includes knowing as much as you can about their abilities when they start in your class. If the ākonga in your course take the LNAAT in another course in the Programme, ensure you find out the results and understand what the results mean for your teaching and ākonga learning.  The LNAAT Moodle site has excellent resources for helping you to interpret the results and translate that into helping your learners succeed in your course.

If ākonga struggle with the literacy and/or numeracy demands of your course materials, they will not achieve highly in the assessments. If the course results have not been high in recent years, this is an area you could look into to provide more support for your learners.

Contact Karen Haines in Te Puna Ako to find out more.

Kailan huling binago: Martes, 7 Pebrero 2023, 2:05 PM