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Completion requirements

What is moderation?

Moderation assures that assessments are fair and equitable, including what the assessment is and how it is marked.

Moderation ensures that assessments:

  1. are fair, valid, and reliable
  2. assess the appropriate learning outcomes 
  3. are managed effectively
  4. match information provided to students at the beginning of the course
  5. are consistent with the teaching, learning, and assessment philosophy of the Programme
  6. apply the achievement criteria described in the Programme Regulations

A moderation plan provides a timeline to ensure regular moderation of all assessments. The plan assigns a moderator to each course. Moderation is a process of collaboration involving peer review both externally and internally. It is a robust system as long as we put the plan into action.

There are different elements to moderation:

Moderation of assessment materials takes place before the course starts. All assessment items should be reviewed together to check that learning outcomes are met and that the instructions and rubrics prepared for students are clear and easy to follow. Use the Course Descriptor to check that the assessment matches the information it prescribes.  

Check marking confirms that assessments have been marked appropriately and in line with other markers to ensure consistency.

Internal moderation involves the moderation of a course including all the assessment materials and assessor (lecturer) judgements. This takes place once every two years. 

External moderation is required at least once every three years and is an arrangement with another provider in New Zealand where the whole course is moderated as a kind of peer review. Feedback can lead to improvements in assessment practices.

Each type of moderation should lead to improvements in assessment delivery.

To prepare for Moderation of assessment materials, follow these steps:

1.  Find your course descriptor. (Ask for help from your APM, Prog Co-ordinator/Discipline Lead or SQA finding it in the e-academic library if necessary.)

2. Download the moderation form from the Nest (link below). 

3. Check the moderation planner to find out who the moderator will be. 

4. Provide the moderator with: 

  • course descriptor
  • assessment material (briefs, instructions, rubrics/marking guide, etc) for each assessment.

5. Note: once the course has begun, it is impossible to make any changes to assessments or rubrics, so if the moderator has any suggestions for improvements, these cannot be implemented once the course has started.

6. File on H drive in your Programme's moderation folder. Check the location with your SQA if necessary.

You can click here to a link to Te Aka where you can find out more and download the moderation form (scroll to the bottom of the page for the forms).

Last modified: Thursday, 8 February 2024, 9:53 AM