Unitec has several dashboards which give data at course, Programme and institutional level.

These include:

    • live results data updated each day from PeopleSoft
    • official data submitted to the TEC in January, May and August
    • and other data, such as surveys, that is refreshed each time survey results have been collated

Examples of Dashboards

  • Successful Course Completion
  • Qualification Completion
  • Missing Grades
  • Priority Group progress
  • EFTS and Applications
  • Use of Student Services
  • External Research Income
  • Student NPS
  • Student Course Surveys
  • Graduate Surveys
  • Academic Risk Register
  • Education Performance Indicators 
  • First Year Retention
  • (Student) Progression

As an academic staff member, you will have access to Power BI.

How to Access Power BI

There are three ways to access Power BI. 

1. On the home page of the Unitec Nest, click on the hollow red box icon, top right of the screen.

Bar at the top of the Nest page

Sign in & click on the waffle in the top left hand corner of the screen to open up apps. Click on the yellow Power BI icon :   

2. Sign into Microsoft Office 365 on your browser. Click on the waffle in the top left hand corner of the screen to open up apps.  You may need to click on 'all apps' in order to see the Power BI icon. Select the icon once you see it.

3. Go to the Nest/Teaching & Research/Te Korowai Kahurangi/Unitec reporting/Dashboards and click on the Power BI portal, on the right under Resources

This is a screenshot of today's data from the institutional dashboard:

More information on the Nest includes video clips explaining how to find the data you are looking for using the filters on each dashboard.   Click here to find more information on the Nest.  

Note: Power BI data will be updated 24 hours after grades are published.

The primary data teachers need to become familiar with is available through the direct link in the CEP to a filtered dashboard. This page shows the results for your course for the past two years for all students and priority groups. Look at the trends - are there any? Can you begin to explain those trends? The CEP will have a couple of questions to answer which relate directly to these results. 

Here is an example of the filtered dashboard for ARCH 5213:

Kailan huling binago: Martes, 7 Pebrero 2023, 2:32 PM