Grades need to be input to Gradebook for ratifying.  Gradebook must be accurate because the results impact whether or not a learner can be awarded a qualification, affecting StudyLink. Check all grades are correct before ratification and publishing.

Ensure every ākonga has a grade for every assessment. There can't be any missing grades in Gradebook.

If a learner has an Assessment Concession (AC) granted, add a note into the comment box next to a DEF (Deferred) grade. A Deferral is a holding grade while the learner has extra time to complete an assessment. 

A DNC (Did Not Complete) can be input if a learner didn't submit a compulsory assessment or if a learner withdrew after 75% of the course was completed.  A DNC is counted as a fail grade.

A W (Withdrawal) grade shows that the learner officially withdrew after 10% from the course start date and before 75% of the course was completed. To be assigned a Withdrawal grade, the learner must have been officially withdrawn via the Change of Enrolment (COE) process. The W grade is system generated; it cannot be entered manually.

Once all the grades are input to Gradebook for all courses in the Programme, the grades will be ratified.  Following this, the Senior Quality Administrator (SQA) will publish the grades so ākonga can see their results. If there are any missing grades, the results cannot be published.

Course grades need to be published within 15 working days of the course completion date. (You can check the exact date with your SQA.)

Instructions on how to access Gradebook are available under 'Running a Quality Programme' in the Before section of this Moodle resource.

Last modified: Friday, 24 January 2025, 3:42 PM