Course Evaluation and Planning (CEP)
CEPs are completed at the end of the course. It focuses on evaluation and reflection and is an holistic tool which considers all aspects of the course. You can find the link to the CEP here.
Top tips for completing the CEP:
- Do not use Firefox as it isn't compatible with the software.
- When completing the CEP, click the filtered dashboard link at the top to find your course results data. (The first time, you have to request permission.)
- Do not refer to staff or students by name in the CEP as it is published on a Power BI dashboard.
- Have a look at previous CEPs for the course to see what the previous lecturer recorded.
CEPs are a key component in the chain of self-assessment and academic quality compliance.
The CEP is a reflection of the course. It should include a comprehensive narrative as it forms the basis of the Programme’s annual report, known as the Programme Evaluation and Planning (PEP). CEPs are used for evidence for the PEP and āta-kōrero.
This diagram shows the relationship between a Programme's PEP and the CEPs, which represent the courses in the Programme.
Any identified potential changes which would improve the course should be recorded in the CEP.
As the Kaitiaki (guardian) of the knowledge that is taught in your course, the CEP offers a way for lecturers to:
- record their evaluation
- record suggestions for improvements
Note: final statistics for grades are available 24 hours after they have been published in Peoplesoft following grade approval.