Your team will meet to reflect on the Programme - this is called an āta-kōrero and forms the basis of a formal report for the Programme, called a PEP.  

These evaluative conversations are evidence-based reviews where a safe space is held in order to reflect on the Programme as a whole. 

It is a good idea to refer to your CEP data when taking part in āta-kōrero with your team.  This is an excellent place to discuss any suggestions for improvement you might have or any issues or concerns.

You will be asked to discuss the following Key Evaluative Questions (KEQs) which form the basis for the PEP


  1. How well do students achieve?
  2. What is the value of outcomes for key stakeholders, including students?
  3. How well do programme design and delivery, including learning and assessment activities, match the needs of students and other relevant stakeholders?
  4. How effectively are students supported and involved in their learning?
  5. How effective are governance and management in supporting educational achievement?
  6. How effectively are important compliance accountabilities managed?
When considering the KEQs in your āta-kōrero, it is worth considering Unitec's values, reflecting on examples of these.

An example of mahi kotahitanga might be that you worked with the Learning Advisors in Te Puna to encourage ākonga to use the support services, and the student services dashboard shows an increase in use by the ākonga enrolled in your Programme.


Your School consists of a number of Programmes. Each year the Head of School will produce an evaluative report which is based on the PEPs.  This diagram shows how the PEPs feed into the School Evaluation and Planning (SEP).

Last modified: Tuesday, 7 February 2023, 3:22 PM