Course improvements
Course Improvements
Make a note in the CEP of any reflections which might lead to course improvements.
Discuss with the Academic Programme Manager any recommendations for course improvements.
For unified programmes, consultation for changes will be required at a national level.Small improvements can be made at course level, but some types of changes require a change application. These can only be applied for if there is evidence that supports the rationale for the change proposal.
Minor change at course level for lower-level improvements |
requires endorsement by the Head of School and approval from the Director, Schools, and Performance. |
Major change with Programme level implications |
is a lengthy process which requires Approval in Principle and a business case. The change will be recorded on the NZQA database. |
Courses should complement each other, making the Programme fit together like a jigsaw. Any changes to a course could impact other courses. For example, changing an assessment submission date could clash with other assessment submission dates in other courses in the Programme.
Even minor improvements should be discussed with the programme team.
Evidence for change proposals can include:
- Moderation
- Course survey results
- Stakeholder feedback