Courses are approved as part of a Programme by NZQA and Te Pūkenga/Unitec is accredited to deliver the Programme. 

Unitec must teach the approved Programme; otherwise, NZQA can withdraw Unitec's accreditation to teach it. 

The approved Programme Document in the e-academic library is the one source of truth for your Programme. 

Check with your Discipline Lead or Programme Co-ordinator if you are unsure about what you are supposed to be teaching or if you notice any discrepancies between the Programme Document and the actual delivery of the course and its assessments.

NZQA carry out audits from time to time - requests for all paperwork relating to moderation and grades are part of audits, so it is vital for all paperwork to be up to date

TEC funds programmes.

The programme documentation contains some information essential information for TEC funding so learners can get loans to study. 

It is vitally important that you deliver the Programme as approved, eg, teaching the approved hours over the correct time period.

Programmes which have been approved for delivery for Te Pukenga are known as 'unified programmes'. Unitec offers a few of these but most of the programmes at Unitec are not unified. Ask your Discipline Lead/Programme Co-ordinator if your Programme is unified or not. Unified Programmes elivered at Unitec are also delivered by other providers across the motu.

Unitec's values of rangatiratanga and wakaritenga are demonstrated through upholding the contracts to deliver, which have been made with Te Pūkenga, TEC and NZQA.

Zuletzt geändert: Freitag, 14. Juni 2024, 10:29