Unitec Tertiary Teaching Badge

Learning Outcome: Teachers will have the knowledge needed to raise existing summative assessments to the minimum required Unitec standard, or above.

Learner Benefit: Their summative assessments are implemented to a quality assured standard.

Badge Level

(drawn from Pohatu’s Mauri Model)
1. Artefacts / Documentary Evidence
Documents that provide evidence of effective summative assessment practice
2. Narrative / Oral Evidence

A clear explanation of the thinking behind key artefacts submitted
Mauri Oho / Emerging

“You have begun to explore opportunities to practise and develop this aspect of teaching competency but are not yet consistently demonstrating it.”

ONE example of teaching practice that indicates mastery of the Learning Outcome

Note: This example may or may not yet have been put into teaching practice but is likely to elicit the Learner Benefit (above).

An explanation of how/why the example(s) of teaching practice is likely to elicit the Learner Benefit

The explanation offered draws on a working understanding of one (or more) relevant educational concept/ principle/theory (see Moodle).

Mauri Tū / Demonstrating

“You consistently demonstrate this aspect of teaching competency and actively look for opportunities for further growth.”

TWO different examples of teaching practice that indicate mastery of the Learning Outcome

Both examples are highly likely to elicit the Learner Benefit.

A full explanation of how/why both examples of teaching practice elicit the Learner Benefit

The explanations offered draws on a sound understanding of at least one relevant educational concept/ principle/theory (see Moodle for examples).

Mauri Ora / Modelling

“You are considered a role model for this aspect of teaching competency and support others to develop in this area.”
TWO different examples of teaching practice that indicate mastery of the Learning Outcome.
Both examples are highly likely to elicit the Learner Benefit.

(= same artefacts as for Mauri Tū/ Demonstrating)

A short explanation of how/why both examples of work elicit the Learner Benefit

The explanations offered draws on a sound understanding of highly relevant educational concepts/ principles/theories referenced (see Moodle for examples).

Huling pagbago: Biyernes, 14 Pebrero 2020, 1:58 PM