Unitec Tertiary Teaching Badge

Learning Outcome: Apply appropriate teaching and learning strategies to support the writing development of selected learners.


Badge Level

Drawn from Pohatu’s Mauri Model

Judgement Statements

1.    Artefacts

Documents provide evidence of supporting writing development

2.    Written Narrative

Written (100-500 words)


Mauri Oho | Emerging

“You have begun to explore opportunities to practise and develop this aspect of professional competency but are not yet consistently demonstrating it”



Teacher has developed one (1) appropriate literacy strategy to support learners’ development



Embedding literacy process template has been completed fully



Additional documents show evidence of support 

given for each progression 

(Knowing What To Do). 


Reflective statement (embedded in the process template) which explains:

·       impacts of the process on yourself

·       your thinking about the impact of your process on your selected learner(s)

·       what you might do differently next time




Mauri Tū | Demonstrating

“You consistently demonstrate this aspect of professional competency and actively look for opportunities for further growth”



Teacher has developed two/three (2-3) appropriate literacy strategies to support learners’ development




Mauri Ora | Modelling

“You are considered a role model for this aspect of professional competency and support others to develop in this area”

As above, including...

Two (2) testimonials expressing:

·       how you support other teachers to embed literacy that links to the Adult Literacy Progressions

·       what impact you have had


Last modified: Monday, 4 October 2021, 4:42 PM